Dual Bridge Power AMP - STA540 TDA7266 TDA7297 - Measurement Detail



Slew Rate

Slew Rate = ΔV/Δt
STA540 Slew Rate = 16V / 7us = 2.26 V/us
TDA7297 Slew Rate = 16V / 3.5us = 4.57 V/us
TDA7266 Slew Rate = 16V / 5us = 3.20 V/us
 * 量測環境: Supply Voltage: 19.3V
                    Room Temperature: 28 ˚C





Diagnostic circuit

    Clipping detection:
PCB Diagnostic LED flash, Output Clip while input 2 Hz signal, 2 Hz is very close to DC,
and output load current is large.

Power Supply Current

STA540 Total quiescent current = 109 mA
TDA7297 Total quiescent current = 2 mA
STA540 Total Standby quiescent current = 50 mA
TDA7297 Total Standby quiescent current = 2 mA
    - ( without input/output )

STA540 Power On: ↓

STA540 Power Standby: ↓

TDA7297 Power On: ↓

TDA7297 Power Standby: ↓

 Frequency Test


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Maira Gall