Saturday, December 20, 2014

好聽的三端子穩壓 TL431 自激 震盪 問題解決



其中包誇TI、ON Semi、DIODES,不同廠商及型號都幾乎相同,

TI、ON Semi:The areas under the curves represent conditions
that may cause the device to oscillate. For curves B, C, and D, R2 and V+
 are adjusted to establish the initial VKA and IKA conditions, with CL = 0.
VBATT and CL then are adjusted to determine the ranges of stability

DIODES:The device is stable under all conditions with a load capacitance not exceeding 50pF.
The device is stable under all conditions with a load capacitance between 5nF and 20nF.
The device is stable under all conditions with a load capacitance exceeding 300nF.
With a cathode current not exceeding 5mA, the device is stable with any load capacitance.
 比較兩者,DIODES的穩定工作範圍較大,廣泛看來只要CL只要大於7uf都是safe area,

Stability considerations The physical position of C and its value is critical to maintaining good stability. C should be located in close physical proximity to the ZXRE060 and connected to its pins with the shorted andwidest possible copper track. The value of C required to ensure stability generally ranges from about 0.1μF up to 10 μF depending on application and environment with higher gain applications generally requiring smaller values.

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Maira Gall