Saturday, January 24, 2015

電容保存壽命 Shelf life of capacitors

Shelf life is specified time for which a capacitor can be stored with no applied voltage.

Shelf Life
The capacitance, ESR and impedance of a capacitor will not change significantly after extended storage periods, however the leakage current will very slowly increase.
KEMET products are particularly stable and allow a shelf life in excess of three years at 40°C.

The shelf life of aluminium electrolytic capacitors is limited and depends from stock conditions.
In a normal warehouse situation (i.e max 35°C,60% R.H.) the limits as per Table apply.

Units will meet initial electrical parameters level
Electrical parameters check is required to understand if re-ageing is required
Re-ageing is required before use
> 5
End of shelf life

Re-age (Reforming) Procedure
Apply the rated voltage to the capacitor at room temperature for a period of one hour, or until the leakage current has fallen to a steady value below the specified limit. During re-ageing a maximum charging current of twice the specified leakage current or 5mA (whichever is greater) is suggested.

Re-Ageing Procedure
The re-ageing procedure must be done @ room temperature
and following steps 1. through 5.:

1. connect units to a DC power supply through a resistor of :
a. 10k for units having working voltage lower than 100V
b. 100k for units having working voltage lower higher than 100V

2. increase the voltage checking that the charging current is not exceding the maximum initial DC leakage limit of the unit

3. when the rated voltage is reached keep it for at least 4(four) hours

4. discharge the unit through a 10kW keeping voltage decrease under control until discharge is complete

5. test units for DC leakage according to the specification

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Maira Gall